Monday, 18 November 2019

Digital Marketing Planning and Where to invest your digital marketing budget

If you run your own business or work in marketing there is real pressure to have your products and services talked about online everywhere. How do you prioritize channels? It’s not easy, but you need to go back to your marketing plan.

Step 1 : Know your business
Before you can begin the process of choosing which marketing channel to work with you need to know your business goals, your budget and what you are prepared to do yourself.
Driving sales leads is normally the primary objective. All other goals are usually building up to this objective. Typical goals are:
  • X of e-commerce sales
  • X email sign ups
  • X on-site video views
  • X social media followers
It’s a good idea to have key goals and then some individual goals for each marketing activity.

Step 2 : Current Channel Performance
Skip over this if you’re a brand new business…
So, for each of your channels have a look at:
  • Your inbound visitor sources – use Google Analytics to track where people are coming from when they land on your site. In Google Analytics you can look at how many visitors are coming from Organic Search, Direct, Social Media and Referrals.
  • Create a channel tracking spreadsheet so you can compare channels. Typically, people compare unique visitors, sign ups, conversions to active users, conversions to paying customers and campaign spend.
And then of course, analyze to work out which channels attract the most successful customers for the least amount of money.
Step 3 : Create a Channel Plan
If you’re new to digital marketing start with 1 to 3 channels and do them well. If it’s not obvious which channel to work with then do a simple rating for each channel by:
  • Impact – the size of the opportunity, based on audience reach, search volume and other factors
  • Confidence – how confident you are in your ability to capture and convert that audience
  • Effort – how much effort you anticipate each channel will take to execute
So, lets assume I am selling Vegan Baby Food online in the UK and having already made some progress through Google Adwords I need to up my sales. Perhaps you’re trying to decide between 2 channels – paid Facebook Ads and SEO.
Facebook – millions of users, although not all of them will be interested in vegan baby food, it is a safe assumption that most people with babies are between 20 and 45 and will be using Facebook. Potentially Facebook has impact.
SEO – The potential impact is limited by the number of people actively searching for vegan baby food online. Google Keyword Planner can help with giving you some ideas on how many people are searching on specific keywords and if you are already using Google Adwords you can obtain even more detailed information.
And of course you will need to take into account budget. Initially selection of a channel is part data, part gut feel. At some point you have to take the plunge.
So, in this instance Facebook should get a higher impact score than SEO.
How confident you are in your ability to capture and convert that audience
How much effort (time and money) to make the channel work.

Step 4: Implement, Analyze and Adapt
Analyse and Adapt Gather your chosen performance data and work through the results.
Learn from mistakes and don’t be scared to pull out of a channel...View More


Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Email Marketing | Keeping your site top of mind

Responsive email design is one of the most effective forms of digital marketing. Email marketing, if done properly delivers significant traffic very cost effectively.

Email Marketing Generates Revenue

The typical objectives of email marketing are:

  • Top of mind (Awareness) – use a newsletter to maintain communication
  • Sales – use a eflyer with a strong proposition and a call to action
  • Branding– construct a viral email to generate awareness


  • Cost – Significant saving on printed mediums
  • Timing – Email marketing is almost immediateEmail marketing, if done properly delivers significant traffic very cost effectively.
  • Response – The call to action is clear: “Click here to receive this offer”
  • Effective – Email marketing enables you to communicate in real time
  • Measurable – Every element is measurable, which offer was effective, which links were clicked
  • Targeted – Your lists can be easily segmented ensuring opportunities are not wasted

Success is not an accident.

There are a myriad of actions that should be done to ensure a successful email marketing campaign.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

digital marketing

Developing website traffic.

  1. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
  2. Content Marketing
  3. PPC – Google Adwords
    Moredetail on how we carry out SEO Site optimisation and how we manage your Google Adwords programmes.

Responsive Website Design

web designWe build marketing led website that focuses on your visitors, delivering experiences that solve their problems in the process motivating them to “talk to you”. Our stages are:
Website strategy,
Design & creative, Web page development.  More  detail on Responsive Websites.

Email Marketing

email marketing
Email marketing is an established successful marketing channel. There are development tools that enable well designed, cost effective email marketing campaigns to be developed in 48hrs. We design, develop and distribute hundreds of campaigns sending about 100,000 emails each month. More details on our Email Marketing Services.

Social Media Management

social media marketingOur goals are to increase brand penetration and customer engagement.
Our services are aimed to fit into a small business’s budget, and expectations. We help, advise, direct and do the work – we let you get back to what you do best – running your company. More details on our Social Media Marketing Services.

Website Applications

internet marketingWe build online applications and website tools that assist visitors and customers achieve their sites objectives.
We work to identify visitor issues and provide tools to make things quicker and easier or more cost effective. More details on our Website Application Development

Find out more ... our digital marketing

Friday, 23 August 2019

How to embed a video from YouTube and loop

How to embed a video from YouTube and make the video continuously loop

Adding a YouTube video to your site is a great way of sharing additional media content to your users. Video is a great way to quickly show potential customers your products or services.


  1. Click on the YouTube video you wish to put into your site
  2. Click “Share” (bottom right)
  3. Click “Embed”
  4. Click “Copy” (bottom right)
  5. Paste the Embed code of your YouTube video into your website
  6. To make the video continuously loop add  “?loop=1&playlist=GRonxog5mbw” after url in Embed code
  7. Click on button to preview video 
          Find out more ...

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Wordpress youtube embed size

Display your video at a perfect size

youtube video sizes in
All web pages have different pages and features and often these mean you wish to customize the display size of the video that you want to load into your site.
Luckily YouTube enables this with ease, so:

  1. Open your Video in YouTube
  2. Click the Share > Embed option
  3. Click Show More
  4. In the video size drop-down menu, select custom size
  5. Enter the desired width of the video player.
    Note – YouTube will automatically set the height to resize the video (to maintain its ratio) OR click Video Size to set the length and width, choosing from a number of predefined sizes
  6. You are also able to select the “end image” or the “follow on video” from this area
  7. Copy the code
  8. Log in to your wordpress site and locate the desired post/page to embed the YouTube video
  9. From the box that appears, click the tab in the top right – “Text”
  10. Paste the code that yuo copy from youtube into the HTML code box that appears .
  11. Click Update in (or Publish if it’s a new page/post that’s in draft mode)

IMPORTANT: We repeat – you need to paste the embed code into the TEXT tab in WordPress text area


Tuesday, 2 April 2019

How to upgrad your google maps platform

Upgrade your Google Maps Account

From June 11th, 2018 Google are launching a new pay as you go pricing plan for Google Maps, Routes and Places. Every customer receives $200 free usage per month so for the vast majority of customers it means they will never be charged. If you are concerned, please have a look at the Google pricing tableand please note you can set usage caps in the Google Platform to ensure you don’t go over any thresholds for charging. (google charging – view here)
Even though the first $200 per month of usage is free, all Google Cloud Platform services require a credit card and billing account. This is so they can charge you if you go over the free usage amount. If there is no credit card and billing account then any google functionality will return an error message.
Please follow our instructions and set up your credit card and billing account:
To avoid a service interruption to your projects, please visit click the link below to enable a billing account and generate an API key.
Once you have generated a secure API key, make sure to update your application with the new API key.

  1. Go to Google Maps Platform.
  2. Click GET STARTED.
  3. Select Maps and then click CONTINUE.
  4. Replace the words “My Project” with your company name and select YES to agree to the Google Terms of Service. Click NEXT.
  5. A pop up screen will appear entitled “Enable billing for project “company name”. Click CREATE BILLING ACCOUNT.
  6. To create a new billing account:
    1. Go to the Google “Cloud Platform Console” and sign in or, if you don’t already have an account, sign up.
    2. Open the console left side menu and select “Billing“.
    3. Click the “New billing account” button. (Note that if this is not your first billing account, first you need to open the billing account list by clicking the name of your existing billing account near the top of the page, and then clicking Manage billing accounts.)
    4. Full fill all your information and also add “Payment method“.
    5. Then It will show Verify your “Payment information Popup“. Once you click continue it will back to the current page. You will need to click “start my trial“.
    6. Once your account has been completed. It will link you to “Google Cloud Platform
    7. Please go to “Billing Menu” at the left site. Then Click drop down menu at the “Project name“. Select “Manage Billing Account
    8. Once you see the active billing status. Then click on “My projects Tab”
    9. Select Change billing account.Then click set account. It will automatically connect to the billing account that you created.
  7. If you done completely setup billing account. You will see Billing account and Billing account ID show after Project name and Project ID
Some examples of how Events & Goals are used. (click here)

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Clearing Your Cache – Chrome (Android)

Clearing cache on Chrome App

Step 1  Click on Chrome icon

How to clear your cache on Chrome App and on Application Manager for Android?

Step 2 Click on the menu button (three bars in the top right corner).

How to clear your cache on Chrome App and on Application Manager for Android?

Step 3  Click on settings in the menu.

How to clear your cache on Chrome App and on Application Manager for Android?

Step 4  Click on Privacy

How to clear your cache on Chrome App and on Application Manager for Android?

Step 5  Click on Clear browsing data…

How to clear your cache on Chrome App and on Application Manager for Android?

Step 6  Tick on Browsing History, Cookies, Site Data, Cached Image and files. Select CLEAR DATA.

How to clear your cache on Chrome App and on Application Manager for Android?